Monday, July 27, 2009

Papers are moving

I sent off 12 documents today for state certification. After they are certified, I will send them to Chicago to be authenticated at the Chinese Consulate. Then, we will gather those documents with the rest of what is required in the dossier (which is all of the paperwork & photos that are sent to China) and send it off to our agency, who will then review it and send it to China. We're making progress!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Special Needs Video

I just watched this amazing video, and it does a wonderful job of portraying what special needs adoption in China is. Please take a few minutes to watch it. These children are so precious, and this video really touched my heart. Since we're going through the special needs program, our daughter will have a special need, but her greatest need is that of any child-to have the love of a family.