It's hard to believe that it's been two months since we met Hannah for the very first time. It's amazing how much she has changed since that night in the hotel room two months ago where she was throwing toys and screaming at the strangers who were now her parents. I can't blame how she reacted to us, we were perfect strangers to her, besides seeing our pictures, that was all she really knew of us. After only two months, the little girl who was saying less than five words in
Chinese, her native language, is now repeating countless words in English. On her own she says over 20 words-I've lost track because she keeps learning new words every day. The same little girl who was afraid to let anyone touch her or get close to her, will now give hugs and kisses and high fives to people. She understands almost everything we say to her even though two months ago she hadn't heard any English before. She wants Mommy to kiss her when she gets hurt and runs to the door squealing with joy when Baba gets home from work. She jumps out of my arms to get to her brothers when we pick them up from school. Yes, this is the same little girl who not too long ago didn't know the stability of a forever family. We are amazed at how quickly she has become a natural part of our family. She fits in so well and adds so much joy to our home.