Monday, August 2, 2010

China Day 4: 1st Visit to Civil Affairs & SMILES!!

Hannah slept through her first night with us, and we even had to wake her up at 7:30!  We went down to breakfast, and she was pointing to food and showing Baba what she wanted to eat.  We tried to feed her, but she insisted on doing it herself.  Her favorite food was the fried noodles, and hopefully her big brothers will learn from her how to lean over when they eat!  She was so cute leaning over her plate slurping up the noodles!  After breakfast we went to the Civil Affairs Office, where three other families were meeting their children for the first time.  It was so neat to see the other families with their new babies and see another dad in our group meet his 8 year old son.  While we were there, Jason decided to put Hannah in my lap.  Every other time he's tried to give her to me she screams and refuses.  But, this time, she was totally okay with it!!!  I couldn't believe it!  Then by the time we left the office, Hannah was going back and forth from Jason to me happy as can be.  She wanted Mommy to put on her shoes, let me change her diaper, etc.  When she's tired she wants Daddy to hold her.  While we were in the Civil Affairs Office (for 2.5 hours), we witnessed many parts of Hannah's personality.  She gave us smiles, lots of screams (both happy and mad), and even some laughs!  The director of the orphanage was there, but Hannah wouldn't go to her.  She seems to know that we are her parents, and she has Daddy wrapped around her little finger already.  She's been doing a lot of baby babble, but we've heard her say "uh-oh" several times, and she definitely says some words in Chinese beyond the baby talk.  We are feeling incredibly blessed and thank you so much for praying because we're already seeing a huge change as her personality is coming out and she is warming up to us so quickly.

We'll be visiting her foster family tomorrow.  I'm hoping it doesn't set her back to square one because she was definitely attached to her foster family.  Please pray that this visit would not confused her, and that she will know that Jason and I are her forever family.  Hopefully we'll have time to visit her finding spot and orphanage as well.  Thank you for all of the comments and emails.  We feel so loved and supported!

Here's what the attached pictures are of:

Hannah & Daddy at breakfast
Hannah loves the noodles!
Making the paperwork official with a red thumbprint seal of approval
Hannah's handprint approval
Daddy's thumbprint approval
Hannah is sitting on Mommy's lap!!
Looking at a book with Mommy
A smile!
Playing with Daddy

1 comment:

Julie B said...

wow- that precious little girl has a big appetite! so thankful things are going well! and she looks so stinking cute and right at home in that adorable dress and hair bows! :)