Monday, June 28, 2010


I can hardly believe I am typing these words. We have Travel Approval, which means we are on our way to China to get our baby girl SOON! Our agency is trying to get us a consulate date in late July, with tentative travel dates being that we arrive in Beijing on July 16! We are so close now!!! I am praying and hoping that these dates will work out because that would mean we would be home by Hannah's birthday. I never dreamed we would travel in July! We have so much to do, but nothing else matters right now. I just want to hold my little girl.

1 comment:

Steve n Coco said...

HAHA!!! I warned you!! :) This is wonderful news! I can't wait to hear for sure what your plans are. Let me know if you want to blog from China, but need help switching to email settings (that's a hint that I want you to blog so I can read about your journey :))
be blessed and HAPPY PACKING!!